Xolo Cuintle

Xolo Cuintle

The artist duo Romy Texier and Valentin Vie Binet, under the collective title Xolo Cuintle, produce works that fall somewhere between furniture, sculpture, decorations and domestic spaces.


Assembled from concrete, steel and wood, the artists present petrified scenes; timeless, abandoned spaces. Producing complete domestic settings, where each piece is a discrete space, their works are reinterpreted, updated, reassembled; each set is organized around furniture and decorative objects from all eras. Families of styles and treatments, dissonances coexist and confront each other. Between noble materials and substitutes, the objects are both finished and raw. These composite assemblies aim at a form of harmony which is embodied in the successive assembly of a series of living room decorations.
The artist duo Romy Texier and Valentin Vie Binet, under the collective title Xolo Cuintle, produce works that fall somewhere between furniture, sculpture, decorations and domestic spaces.


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